100 Favorite Things
- Hugs from Abby
- Playing in a pool
- Popcorn popping
- Laying in deer-beds
- People that accept me for me
- Doing my Bible studies
- Picking berries with kids
- Playing with Katie and Sarah
- Making cookies and frosting them
- The smell of daddy's shop
- The smell of a field dressed deer
- Being taught by daddy and understanding what he says
- Watching movies with Eric
- Finding something cool in the ocean
- Going snorkeling
- Watching a fire
- Listening to Charlotte Church
- Taking a VERY hot Bubble Bath
- Finding a new way to do your makeup
- Having someone Play with my hair
- A cat sitting on you, purring
- Taking your hair down after it's been up ALL DAY!
- Hearing a good sermon
- Rolling on the floor laughing and crying so hard you pee your pants [Ew. What was I thinking??]
- Pulling a good trick!
- Having someone put on a concert just for you [Uh, no one ever did this for me until I met Gary.]
- Earrings
- Perfectly applying nail Polish
- Hearing someone laugh
- A Freshly made bed
- Looking back and seeing what you've accomplished [I really really love this.]
- A bear hug
- Seeing a couple so deeply in love that they GLOW
- A really good conversation
- The warm, fuzzy, feeling you get when you know someone really cares about YOU
- Midnite snacks with your best friend [Didn't really have a best friend at this point in my life...]
- When you look perfect AND have somewhere to go!
- A perfect day at the beach with friends
- Finishing a really good book
- Finding the perfect outfit in the perfect size for the perfect price!
- Remembering the perfect phrase at the perfect time
- Getting something you worked for
- Getting something you don't deserve [okay, I just liked getting stuff]
- Finding an instant friend [Kristin, darling, I believe this was you!]
- Getting a new CD
- Toe-socks
- Fresh notebooks
- Some-one flirting with you first [insert blushy face.]
- A friend who will listena dn listen and listena nd listen to every last Detail!!
- Hills that 'get your tummy'
- Getting a long etter via snail mail (hand-written)
- Being trusted with a secret [Actually, I hate this. Keep your drama to yourself, please.]
- Hearing someone type really fast [Like I'm doing right now. Totally fulfilling myself. Lol]
- Winning a game of chess
- Finishing a hard job [College! Holla!]
- Going hunting
- Getting something in the mail (A Gift) [lol, toldja I just like getting stuff!]
- The sound of leaves crunch under your feet [wow, that sentence is not right...]
- Freshly fallen snow
- A green meadow [Obviously. No one likes brown meadows. Duh.]
- RollerCoasters
- Cool Posters
- Spelling a hard word correctly!
- Un-planned Partys that are Perfect
- Finding something you lost
- The smell of a new car [cliche much?]
- Reading poems
- Sun Tea
- Sunsets
- Comfy clothes
- Coffee Brewing
- Watching a Good Movie with your Girlfriends
- Listening to my music
- Hearing mom read
- Talking to Miss Lisa
- Learning something new
- Being able to go to God at night and cry
- Reading a really good poem that tugs at your heart strings [omg, the cliche is KILLING ME. Literally. Okay, figuratively.]
- Tom's messages
- Watching football
- Superbowl commercials
- Writing a poem that is actually good [Apparently I was on a poetry kick?]
- Getting a massage
- Drawing all over my body [Well that sounds... provocative. It was around this time that we learned that highlighters glow under blacklight, so we did a lot of decorating.]
- Recieving forgiveness especially when it's a big mistake
- Hanging out w/ AF staff guys [more blushy face...]
- Good Perfume/ ColoGne [Why did I capitalize that G???]
- A freshly made bed and lots of pilows
- A clean house and a messy bedroom [that makes it a not clean house. Am I right?]
- Reading the comics
- Making something cool
- Cooking dinner for your family
- Getting an A on that tough assignment [I had just started taking classes at Polk Community and was freakin' THRILLED to be getting grades! lol]
- Using big words + shocking people
- Loving your Job [Thanks, Billy!]
- Moose tracks Ice Cream
- A spur-of-the-moment snowball fight [Never been in one. I hate snow. It sounded romantic. I was delusional.]
- Recieving praise
- A good conversation online [As opposed to a good conversation in real life, which didn't even make my list.]
- Completing a whole notebook [ This list was written on pages 1-5 of a brand new notebook.]
This entry was followed by a painfully embarrassing attempt at poetry.
Maybe someday I'll write a revised version.