I am gearing up right now for the birth of our next baby, another sweet girl. I knew before I got pregnant that I wanted a home birth. I wanted a home birth for Anastasia but they're difficult to obtain in North Carolina. As I'm preparing for this birth I feel like I am constantly teetering back and forth between terrified and thrilled! But tonight, I think I solved my problem...
Anyone who knows me, knows I love a party. I read a blog tonight on styling your home birth (forgive me, I'm mobile and can't figure out how to hyperlink. (http://boldturquoise.com/2013/10/the-hows-and-whys-of-planning-and-styling-your-homebirth-day-12-bellies-birth-and-babies/) and of COURSE I'm totally into that idea! Basically, the premise is that you use your nesting energy to make some cute decorations, bunting or whatever, to celebrate your baby's birth!
So, if you follow me on Pinterest, YES, that is why my Pinterest blew up. The blog also suggests using your early labor period to make some snacks and party food for your birth attendants to enjoy while you labor and for yourself after birth (or whenever you want it!). Considering it will be July for this, watermelon sorbet is on my list!
I also read this (http://pinterest.com/pin/103442122665903751/) beautiful story of a home birth. The mama in this looks so lovely and dignified and put together and I realized that if I don't want to be a hot mess in all my pictures I need a birth dress. Yupp. So tonight, I spent some time scouring Etsy and Amazon and a little bit of Google for pretty dresses to wear during labor. Y'all, I'm stoked about this.
I'm having a baby.
It is going to be hard and beautiful and painful and celebratory. Praise God, Gary and I are bringing another precious life into the world and it will absolutely be a party! Today I feel empowered and enlivened. The only thing missing from our party is music. Every good party needs a great soundtrack! Help me pick some songs! I like energetic, fun music. Two of the songs I had on Ana's birth playlist were "Water" by Brad Paisley, "Knee Deep" by Zac Brown Band (it was a water birth, duh!).
What are your suggestions??