This is what we're doing.
Ever since our first night home with Anastasia I have been a hardcore we-do-not-play-at-night mom. Tonight, Anastasia woke up around 2:30 am (coincidentally this is also the time her dad came to bed... I'm just saying). So for about 1 hour we lay in bed listening to her blabber, wondering when it would stop. Around 3:30 ish, blabber turns into WAAAHHH so I get up, change her diaper and rock her to sleep. Success! Lay her down in her crib. Still asleep! Success! Raise the side of the crib and leave her room. STILL ASLEEP! TOTAL SUCCESS!
Folks, I lay in bed for a blissful 8 minutes before she woke up again. Blissful, I tell you. I got up to rescue my weeping baby and she started laughing because she was so thrilled to see me. Rascal. Well, I tried to calm her without picking her up, which was fruitless, so I picked her up and cradled her to rock her back to sleep. No such luck. 40 minutes later, mommy gives up.
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