Saturday, August 3, 2013

Diligent and Industrious

I was born stubborn. As a kid, no matter how many times I got in trouble for the same thing, I kept doing it. My mom likes to tell a story about my first night in a toddler bed. When she put me to bed she told me that if I got out, she would spank me. Of course I got out. We both knew I was being disobedient and she spanked me like she had warned. Back in bed, moments after she closed my bedroom door for the second time, I opened it to find her waiting for me in the hallway. She knew I was stubborn. She spanked me 43 times that night before I learned to stay in my bed! 

As an adult, I have learned that stubbornness is just symptom of a larger problem. Depravity. Due to the fall, we are sinful, wicked people from the start. This week, Ana's stubborn side has come out swinging and my prayer life just got a LOT more serious. Nap time is a nightmare! All of my fail-safe sleeping baby techniques have failed! No matter what I do, her eyes stay wide open. 

Thankfully, my parents turned my stubbornness into something useful and beneficial: diligence. They are similar things, just with different purpose. Stubbornness is a determination to get things done MY WAY. Diligence is a determination to GET THINGS DONE. I'm so grateful that my parents saw my strong will and helped me grow to make it a good thing. 

My prayer for Ana has quickly become that I will help her to become a diligent, industrious person. 

Side note! My name actually means Industrious or Diligent! How appropriate :)

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