Sunday, June 16, 2013

What I've Learned From My Daddy

When I was growing up, my dad was a little harsh at times. As a kid, I thought he didn't know anything and that his actions were always globally unfair. And, like almost every kid, I grew up and realized my dad is a genius and has so much life experience that I can't help but ask "What would dad do?" for many situations. Like most kids, I spent more time with my mom than my dad, so he spent less time directly teaching me things. This list is going to be shorter than the one I made for mom, but there will be more explanation behind the ideas. So, here is a brief summary of the things my dad taught me.

  1. "Why do you want to fill your head with garbage?" <--This has been my dad's classic answer when we wanted to see a movie or show that he didn't approve of. It drove me CRAZY as a teenager and now suddenly I'm realizing that I filled my head with a lot of garbage that I can't get out of it.
  2. Math is possible, if you sit at the table long enough.
  3. You don't want dad to be the one to spank you!
  4. People who only do what benefits themselves are communists.
  5.  "Don't be a communist." <-- This was often said in respect to stepping over a sock instead of picking up the sock. My response was usually "But, daddy, it's not my sock!"
  6. Men support their families.
  7. It's okay to ask people weird questions! For example, "How do you convince the bees to only take honey from wildflowers?"
  8. The best time to read your Bible is early in the morning with a cup of coffee. If your family joins you, even better, read aloud!
  9. You don't need every light in the house on! Or every light in a room, for that matter.
  10. If you're hot, open a window or take a layer of clothing off. The AC is a LAST resort!
  11. You don't have to GO places to have a good time as a family. Dinner and conversation is a very dear memory of mine.
  12. Coffee is stinkin' expensive! Don't waste it, reheat it the next day!
  13. There is no reason to date until you're old enough to get married. <-- I wasn't allowed to date until I was 18 and I HATED it. Now, I realize that my parents protected me from a whole world of horrible things that teens can easily get into when they're dating. Seriously, if you meet a guy in 6th grade, are you seriously going to stay together for 6-7 years until you can get married? And if you do, are you seriously NOT going to have sex that entire time?? Not likely.
  14. You don't need makeup and jewelry to be pretty.
  15. Long hair is beautiful. <--It was really hard for me to readjust my thinking here when I married Gary because he prefers short hair.
  16. There is absolutely NO need for a kid to have screen time. TV, iPhone, video games, internet, honestly. Okay, that's not true. We took typing lessons at dad's request and learned a lifelong skill.
  17. "If you cared about it, it wouldn't be on the floor." <-- This lesson was hard for me to learn, and honestly I'm still working on it sometimes! This was usually said after I stepped on my glasses or..... well, read the next one.
  18. It's okay to take a kids toys away because "If you cared about it, it wouldn't be on the floor." I cannot tell you how many times my dad offered to clean our bedrooms for us by taking a shovel and a garbage bag to the situation. I think it would have done me some good!
  19. Authoritative does not mean authoritarian. My dad was authoritative and that's okay! Men should be in control of their families!
  20. Being mischievous is a good thing.
  21. Curiosity is a very good thing!
  22. If you sit on the floor long enough, you can find out where the ants are coming in and block every darn hole.
  23. "You can wash off." <-- The most memorable time I learned this was when my class ring fell down the bathtub drain. We then learned that there was a hole in the pipe that led to our sewage tank that bubbled up just outside our house. At this point, my dad made me dig around to see if I could find my class ring. GROSS! But, he was right, I washed off. And now I'm a lot more willing to do disgusting things with the knowledge, I CAN WASH OFF!
  24. Girls can do boy stuff. Fishing, tracking deer, driving trucks, shooting guns, climbing trees, changing tires, working on engines, plumbing (that's Sophie's story), MATH AND SCIENCE, there's nothing wrong with girls doing boy stuff!
  25. It's okay to question the government.

Thanks, Daddy! This stuff has had an impact on me. Even if you thought we didn't learn the stuff, we did!

Two more things daddy taught me

  1. Tool names. THIS is invaluable. When someone asks me for a ratchet and a 3/16 socket, I can actually give it to them. When someone asks me if I have an adjustable wrench, I KNOW! (and for the record, no, I don't have one.)
  2. Real men drink their coffee black. <--I once dated a guy merely because he drank his coffee black. It didn't last long.

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